Toray Releases Financial Performance for H1 of 2024 Japanese Fiscal Year
Source:Toray Group
2024-11-13 11:21:42
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原文: 6, Tokyo – Toray Group releases its financial performance for the 1H of 2024 Japanese fiscal year (from April 1, 2024 to September 30, 2024).
In the report, Toray quotes that the U.S. economy remained strong and Europe recovered, but China continued to stagnate while the Japanese economy continued to gradually recover.
Under such circumstances, Toray Group, starting from fiscal 2023, has been promoting its Medium-Term Management Program “Project AP-G 2025,” aiming to achieve sound, sustainable growth through the implementation of five basic strategies of “Sustainable Growth,” “Ultimate Value Creation,” “Product and Operational Excellence,” “Enhancement of People-Centric Management,” and “Risk Management and Governance.”
As a result, consolidated revenue for the six months ended September 30, 2024, compared with the same period of the previous fiscal year, increased 7.9% to ¥1,294.1 billion, and core operating income (Note) rose 62.6% to ¥79.1 billion. Operating income increased 78.9% to ¥79.5 billion and profit attributable to owners of parent rose 92.3% to ¥55.5 billion.
Fibers & Textiles
The apparel applications were strong overall, despite the stagnation in the European market and the continued impact of the intensified competition with overseas products.
The industrial applications witnessed a demand recovery trend in the automobile applications but were affected by safety test scandals of Japanese automobile manufacturers and the intensifying competition in the Chinese EV market.
As a result, revenue of the overall Fibers & Textiles segment, compared with the same period of the previous fiscal year, increased 7.1% to ¥515.5 billion, and core operating income rose 26.6% to ¥34.4 billion.
Performance Chemicals
In the resins and chemicals businesses, while the resins business was affected by the production decline in the Japanese automobile industry, demand recovered in the non-automobile applications for China and ASEAN. The chemicals business remained strong.
The films business saw electronic parts-related demand growth due to rebound from inventory adjustment in the supply chain.
In the electronic & information materials business, there was recovery in demand for OLED-related materials and circuit materials.
As a result, revenue of the overall Performance Chemicals segment, compared with the same period of the previous fiscal year, increased 10.3% to ¥477.5 billion, and core operating income rose 134.2% to ¥34.0 billion.
Carbon Fiber Composite Materials
The aerospace applications continued its steady recovery, and there were signs of gradual recovery in the wind turbine blade applications.
As a result, revenue of the overall Carbon Fiber Composite Materials segment, compared with the same period of the previous fiscal year, increased 8.3% to ¥152.8 billion, and core operating income rose 54.4% to ¥11.7 billion.
Environment & Engineering
The water treatment business posted increase both in revenue and core operating income on the back of strong demand as well as shipments for a large-scale project in the Middle East. Further, an engineering subsidiary in Japan also performed strongly.
As a result, revenue of the overall Environment & Engineering segment increased 2.6% to ¥114.5 billion compared with the same period of the previous fiscal year, and core operating income rose 15.9% to ¥11.8 billion.
Life Science
The pharmaceutical business was affected by the impact of the penetration of the generic versions, the NHI drug price revision, and by the stagnant overseas sales volume.
In the medical devices business, shipment of dialyzers for hemodiafiltration was steady in Japan and overseas, but the business was affected by the soaring prices of raw materials and fuels.
As a result, revenue of overall Life Science segment, compared with the same period of the previous fiscal year, increased 3.2% to ¥25.6 billion, while core operating income fell to a loss of ¥0.6 billion, a decline of ¥0.1 billion.
Forecast for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2025
The global economy is likely to gradually recover along with the decline in inflation rate and monetary easing. The Japanese economy is also expecting a gradual recovery. However, the downward risks for the economy in Japan and overseas include potential changes in fiscal and trade policies in the U.S. following the presidential election, prolonged real estate recession in China, and impact on consumption in the U.S. and Europe caused by their financial policies as well as changes in the Bank of Japan’s monetary policy and foreign exchange fluctuations.
Under such circumstances, Toray Group will promote the basic strategies under the Medium-Term Management Program “Project AP-G 2025” and carry out its business operation under the anticipation of uncertainties.
For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025, Toray revised its full-year consolidated forecasts, taking into consideration its business performance for the first six months and business environment. It now expects consolidated revenue of ¥2,590.0 billion, core operating income of ¥145.0 billion, and profit attributable to owners of parent of ¥88.0 billion. The calculation of consolidated earnings forecasts from October 2024 is based on an assumed foreign currency exchange rate of ¥140.0 to the U.S. dollar.