• 第三届深圳国际复合材料工业技术展览会 CCE Shenzhen 2025
News Coverage
GW Composites Seals Three Carbon Fiber Sales Contracts Valuing 1.1 Billion RMB
Source:China Composites Expo
2021-12-14 12:01:15
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原文:http://shenzhen.chinacompositesexpo.com/en/news-detail-92-11679.html       December 10, Weihai – GW Composites announces the seal of three separate contracts with one single customer by Weihai Tuozhan, a wholly-owned subsidiary under the group dedicated to carbon fiber and its fabrics.

       The aggregated value of the three contracts tops 1.1 billion RMB, 52.28% of the audited revenue in the latest account year. GW Composites says in the announcement, adding that the execution of these contracts will have significant benefits on its income and profit.

       Duration of the contracts starts from January 1st, 2021 to December 31st, 2021. Until November 30th, 2021, the execution rate of the contracts has reached 84.22%, with deliveries exceeding 930 million RMB in value.

       It is known that the accumulated value for carbon fiber and its fabrics delivered to the specified customer has surpassed 1 billion RMB.