Zhongfu Shenying Greenlighted for Initial Public Offering in Shanghai Stock Exchange
Source:China Composites Expo
2021-12-23 11:35:56
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原文:http://shenzhen.chinacompositesexpo.com/en/news-detail-92-11716.htmlDecember 15, Shanghai – The 96th review conference in the year of 2021 is held at Shanghai Stock Exchange by the listing committee of the Science and Technology Innovation Board, usually known as STAR Market, to scrutinize the initial public offering of two companies, ended with one approved and the other suspended.
Greenlighted is Zhongfu Shenying, China’s leading carbon fiber composite specialist, possibly being also the first carbon fiber company listed in the STAR Market.
Zhongfu Shenying plans to sell up to 100 million shares in the market, raising 1.8 billion RMB for 1) Xining 10,000 metric tons high performance carbon fiber & precursor lines; 2) Lianyungang High performance carbon fiber & precursor pilot lines targeted for aerospace industry; 3) Develoment and manufacture of CFRP aero-parts in Shanghai; 4) improvement of liquidity.
Prospectus filed by the company disclosed revenues and profits in the past three and half years, indicating a soaring trajectory starting from 25 million RMB losses in 2018 and ending with 120 million profit for the first six months of 2021.
The biggest single shareholder of the issuer is CNBM Joint Investment Co., Ltd, in possession of 37.3% of the latter’s overall shares by the signature of prospectus. The actual controller is CNBM group, in possession of a combined 64.62% of Zhongfu Shenying’s overall shares through its subsidiaries CNBM Joint Investment and China Composites Group Co., Ltd.