• 第三届深圳国际复合材料工业技术展览会 CCE Shenzhen 2025
News Coverage
Well Advanced Materials Released Prospectus for IPO in Shenzhen GEM Market
Source:China Composites Expo
2022-03-02 14:36:10
Click: 187
原文:http://shenzhen.chinacompositesexpo.com/en/news-detail-92-11851.htmlFebruary 28, Shanghai -- Wells Advanced Materials (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (here after referred to as WAM) released a prospectus for its IPO on Shenzhen GEM Market, planning an issuance of no more than 23.06 million shares of common stock, or 25% of its total share capital after the issuance.

As read in the prospectus, WAM’s major source of revenue incorporates epoxy resin, with Mingyang Smart Energy as its biggest customer.

WAM’s epoxy resin is applicable to diverse types of wind turbines both on-land and off-shore with capacity ranging from 1.5 MW – 8 MW. Meanwhile, an addition of resins has been developed to adapt to big-size offshore wind blades made with carbon fiber or its hybrid with glass fiber.

The capital WAM raised with the issuance goes to 1) Shanghai Difu fiber-reinforced composite & new electrical materials program, with an overall investment of 180 million RMB and capacity of 37,000 tons; 2) WAM’s R&D headquarter program, with an overall investment of 185 million RMB.

After the completion of above targeted programs, the aggregate capacity of WAM will reach 76,750 tons, in which wind-blade-used epoxy resin accounts for 62,000 tons.
