Weihai Tuozhan Sealed Three Procurement Contracts Valuing 2.01 Billion RMB
Source:China Composites Expo
2022-01-17 11:19:56
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原文:http://shenzhen.chinacompositesexpo.com/en/news-detail-92-11763.htmlDecember 31, Shenzhen – Guangwei Composites announced the seal of three procurement contracts with one client by its subsidiary Weihai Tuozhan.
According to the signed contracts, Weihai Tuozhan will supply a certain type carbon fiber as well as fabrics to the client from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2024, with aggregated value topping 2.01 billion RMB, 99.15% of the revenue of the latest auditing year.