Zoomlion Unveiled China's First Pump Truck Featured with CFRP Boom
Source:China Composites Expo
2021-12-08 11:06:19
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原文:http://shenzhen.chinacompositesexpo.com/en/news-detail-92-11646.htmlNovember 26, Changsha – China’s first home-developed pump truck featured with CFRP-metal hybrid boom was unveiled by Zoomlion at its facilities located in Lugu Industrial Park, together with other 15 innovative products categorized into 8 series.
Incorporation of CFRP-metal hybrid cantilever, with IPR wholly-owned by itself, as Zoomlion introduces in the briefing, improves the operability of the pump truck, drives down the cost, and reduces its weight by 35%.
Thanks to the hybrid cantilever, the pump truck, though with overall weight amounting to 44 metric tons, boasts a maximum lifting height of 63 meters, marking the boom longest of its kind across the world.
“Another major breakthrough is the integration of intelligence technology by embedding chip sensors in the structure,” says Liu Yanbin, vice director of Zoomlion’s central R&D institution, “it is much similar to embed nerves into bones, enabling supervision over the health of the cantilever and provision of predication service to the clients.
“Integrating carbon fiber into engineering machines is a revolution of lightweight.” Hailed Hu Boyun, Academician of China’s Academy of Engineering, “while combining sensors with composite structure is a leapfrog towards intelligent manufacturing.