• 第三届深圳国际复合材料工业技术展览会 CCE Shenzhen 2025
News Coverage
Sichuan Hengyao‘s CFRP/BFRP Program Enter into Formal Operation
Source:China Composites Expo
2022-01-21 15:24:56
Click: 149
原文:http://shenzhen.chinacompositesexpo.com/en/news-detail-92-11786.htmlJanuary 19, Dazhou – A ceremony celebrating the formal operation of the first phrase of a CFRP and BFRP (basalt fiber reinforced plastics) products program was held by Sichuan Hengyao Technology Co., Ltd. at the new material industry park, Dazhou, Sichuan Province.

Positioned as a major project in the city of Dazhou, the program draws an overall investment of 3 billion RMB, 500 million for the first phrase which takes less than 100 days from groundbreaking to formal operation.

The program is dedicated to the production of carbon/basalt fiber based products, mainly targeting rails, robots and medical device markets. The first phase will consume 1,000 metric tons of basalt fiber per year, according to the plan, and yield products with value amounting to 2 billion RMB, effectively extending the value chain of Dazhou’s basalt fiber industry.

In the ceremony, Sichuan Hengyao also signed procurement agreements with Shanghai Cedar Composites Technology Co., Ltd. and TOMA.

Sichuan Hengyao is sourced from Xiamen Fubao Composite Holding Co., Ltd., dedicated to the development and production of racing bicycle and F1 helmet. The company established joint laboratories with Beihang University, National University of Defense Technology and Xiamen Huaixa University.