• 第三届深圳国际复合材料工业技术展览会 CCE Shenzhen 2025
News Coverage
Cathy Biotech and 3P COM Signed Joint Venture Agreement in Shanghai
Source:China Composites Expo
2024-01-31 00:13:39
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原文:http://shenzhen.chinacompositesexpo.com/en/news-detail-92-14064.htmlJanuary 16, Shanghai ---- Joint venture agreement was signed between Cathay Biotech Inc. and 3P.COM to foster the R&D and application of thermoplastic composites reinforced with bio-based continuous polyamide fiber in a wide range of scenarios, including hydrogen storage & transportation, urban air mobility, wind blades, etc.

The cooperation between the two sides is aimed at improving the sustainable development of composite in new energy industry as well as transportation field, and offering technical support for the realization of zero-emission target.

“Being an ideal alternative to thermoset plastics, aluminum and steel, thermoplastic composite reinforced with continuous bio-based polyamide fiber is facing inestimable possibilities for application in various sectors, such as new energy, modern transportation and modern construction.” says Dr. Liu Xiucai, Chairman & president of Cathay Biotech, “the joint venture will provide a last-step coupling of respective strength, by leveraging Cathay Biotech’s advantage in bio-based synthetic materials, together with the knowledge and experience in simulation as provided by 3P company. ”

“The thermoplastic composite reinforced with continuous bio-based polyamide fiber developed by Cathay Biotech, as I can see based on my experience in automobile & new energy oriented composites over the past years, boasts significant advantages in both its performance as well as its contribution to the reduction of carbon emissions.” Says Dr. He Chengkui, Chairman of 3P COM. “the advanced composite process, product and solutions, as it can provide to clients in and out of China, will embrace huge market potential and should be a significant milestone for composite industry.”